Darby's Destinations Luxury Travel - Italy

Most Popular Travel Destinations for 2023

Let these trending destinations inspire your next trip

January 6, 2023

New Year, new travel destinations. As we welcome 2023, these are the most exciting travel adventures to add to your agenda.

Antarctica and the Arctic Circle

The final frontier in travel, the polar regions are best explored via an expedition cruise. Traveling to Antarctica and the Arctic are truly immersive experiences during which you will undergo some of the most remote sea passages on the planet and encounter the cultures of those living in the polar north or south. You will have the opportunity to witness penguins, whales, and sea birds – possibly even polar bears if you head to the north. In between soaking up the scenery from your expedition vessel, you will explore the wilderness via Zodiac, kayak, and helicopter.

New Zealand and the Pacific Islands

A once-in-a-lifetime destination, the remote island nation of New Zealand, the "Long White Cloud", is a delight for outdoor enthusiasts, wildlife watchers, and wine lovers. Unforgettable excursions take you by boat past the fjords of the South Island or by helicopter to wondrous glaciers. Luxury experiences include hot springs, wine tastings, and sailing trips. Get acquainted with the restaurants of Auckland, sample a traditional Māori hāngī, and try your hand at the national pastime – fishing. You may coincide your journey to the other side of the world with a trip to Fiji or the Cook Islands.

​African safari adventures

If you are considering the African continent for your 2023 travels, you have a big decision to make. For the chance to spot the Big 5, you may consider a safari vacation in South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Botswana, or Zimbabwe. You might also consider gorilla trekking, for the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of the largest ape species. Options for this type of activity are limited to Rwanda, Uganda, and the Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville). Our presentation on African safari experiences will help you start your research.


Europe has year-round appeal, with the summer months lending themselves to outdoor activities and sailing excursions and winter bringing festive cheer with Christmas markets and warming food. A unique way to explore Europe in 2023 is via a live-aboard river cruise. Head to vastly under-looked Portugal and explore the Douro River Valley wine region or follow the course of the Danube River eastward from Germany to explore castles, cities, thermal baths, and pristine scenery.

Tropical islands

No vacation planning session can overlook the joy of sun-kissed beaches, aquamarine water, and the possibility to swim with sea turtles and other aquatic life. In fact, you needn’t even leave the country for a week in the sun – the beaches of Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui are a short flight from US soil. While you’re there, you can explore volcanic parks and connect with Hawaiian culture. Further afield, the overwater bungalows of the Maldives are the ultimate luxury getaway where you can recharge this year – and start thinking about where to travel in 2024!

Contact me and we will devise your tailor-made itinerary for travel in 2023.

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